Magento 2 extensions
More cool modules for Magento 2 will soon appear at Extait store for all e-commerce owners who want to enhance their stores. Would you like to become the pioneer and introduce the latest trends in your store that one day will become a must-have? Check our upcoming modules for Magento 2.
Learn the fresh stats on how product videos help to increase e-commerce sales. Apply our tips to create awesome product videos that power your store be it Magento or any other.
Would you like to learn the hottest e-commerce trends for 2017? Check our article and get ahead with your e-commerce strategy.
Struggling to increase conversions of your product pages? Here's a bunch of useful tips on how to optimize your product page in Magento 2. Apply them all to your store and watch your product pages converting more.
Learn the top three reasons why your regular customers leave. And fix it applying our advice.
Welcome our Layered Navigation Discount Filter 2.0! Your customers no way pass by your discounts in the catalog.
Would you like to track all important events in your store hands down? Check out 5 new features of our admin email notification module. Look into quick and easy monitoring!
Learn what mistakes you can prevent in sending emails to your customers. We’ve found a great solution to boost mailing campaigns!
Learn how to generate XML sitemap for an e-commerce website. See all sides of a generator vs. standard and extended Magento functionality.
Great news for everyone who uses Magento 2! On December 17-25, buy any Magento 2 extension at a 20 % discount. Want to know how to double it, read on this blog post.