Terms and conditions

If you don't mind read the accompanying content containing the terms and conditions precisely before utilizing Extait.com. By acquiring items from Extait.com, we assume that you read and consent to our terms and conditions. 


Redistribution or republication of any piece of this site or its substance is precluded, including such by surrounding or other comparative or whatever other means, without the express composed assent of Extait.com. 

Extait.com is the copyright holder of all product sold on this site. The duplicating, redistribution, use or distribution by you of any items without Extait.com's consent, is entirely denied. You are not permitted to utilize any piece of our code in entire or part of some other programming or item or site. Discounts, bolster administration and bug settling administration are not accessible to violators of copyright. 


One and only duplicate of an augmentation can be utilized on one Magento establishment exclusively for your very own or business use. A different License ought to be bought for each Magento establishment. If you don't mind read the permit understanding for more points of interest. 


Extait.com does not warrant that the administration from this site will be continuous, opportune or mistake free, in spite of the fact that it is given to the best capacity. 

Support and bug fixing policy

Extait.com offers 120 days of free email support for items obtained from us, with a choice to develop the period. Clients are allowed to report any bugs experienced while utilizing our expansions. Extait.com will attempt to alter the bugs as quickly as time permits. To report bugs or demand bolster please get in touch with us. 

Software updates policy

Extait.com offers 120 days of free overhauls for items bought from us. Alternatively clients can arrange developed backing when purchasing the module. Once the 120-day and augmented bolster period is over, it is conceivable to get an upgrade for half of the module cost - this incorporates an additional 120-day time of free overhauls and backing, with probability of paid augmentation for a more drawn out period. 

Module overhauls are given just to the Magento form branch, for which the item was bought. For instance, on the off chance that you purchase the augmentation for Magento 1.X.X, overhauls and backing will be given just to Magento of 1.X.X rendition branch. Overhauls for Magento of 2.X.X renditions won't be accommodated free regardless of the possibility that the time of free upgrades and backing will at present be running. 

Refund Policy

We offer 30-day cash back assurance for every one of our expansions. You can get a full discount on the off chance that you are not fulfilled by any of our expansions amid 30 days after the buy, unless copyright is encroached. To get the discount please get in touch with us. All discount demands submitted following 30 days are not acknowledged. Expenses for establishment, clashes determination and customization administrations are not refundable. 

Notice of Changes 

Extait.com maintains whatever authority is needed to change these conditions every once in a while as it sees fit and your proceeded with utilization of the site will connote your acknowledgment of any conformity to these terms. Changes to our term and conditions will be distributed at this page.

© Extait, 2024