Admin Email Notifier Update ver. 1.3.3

Admin Email Notifier Update ver. 1.3.3

Admin Email Notifier Update ver. 1.3.3

Don’t miss anything important in your store!

With Admin Email Notifier, there is no need to check admin panel all the time to know about a new order, review, sold out products, etc.

The module has been updated and extended to meet your business interests! Read on to learn what new was added.

See statistics of the e-store in your inbox

Group certain types of notifications to see the full picture of any event. For example, you can track how sales of a product are going within a specified period. In the email there will be info like product name, its SKU, quantity and date of sale. Of course, that is not the only thing available in the extension options. Checking your webstore performance is much wider.

Receive several notifications in one email

Don’t be afraid to be overwhelmed with a pile of emails in your inbox. If activity on your store is very dynamic, group notifications in a single email.  In case you have many newsletter subscriptions, it may seem that you are getting spammed. It’s possible to avoid such a situation. Because all types of events can be grouped either by time or by their amount. Each grouped email is structured so that info can be easily looked through.

Get an extended email notification for new order submission

Now you have all details of a purchase in the same way as customers do. Check out not only order ID but also date and time of a placed order, billing info, shipping address, payment method, items, their quantity, price and other details. Take advantage of such emails with full information for accounting, warehousing, etc. Remember you can upload your custom template for this!

Know whether customers’ payments completed successfully

Enable notification to track payment responses on your website. So you can be sure that customers make purchases from you without any troubles. And if there is any problem you can resolve it in no time. Note: This notification is available after manual integration of the extension code to your payment system gateways.

Be capable to see some issues and errors on the website

With logging notifications you can be informed that there is a website crash, errors or any other issue. Specify what log levels are important to you: debug, info, notice, warning, error, etc. So you’ll never miss something critical happened on your store.


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