Cookie Mode Pro M2
Inform visitors about cookie use on your website just as they have the first interaction. And most importantly, allow customers to enable or disable different cookie categories right on your website. So the extension gives your visitors much more freedom. You will make your store compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the ePrivacy Directive (ePR) statements. Cookie Mode Pro is user-friendly and easy in its customization.
- Display a cookie consent popup.
- Customize the text of a cookie popup.
- Track first- and third-party cookies on your website and add them to the grid.
- Let customers select what cookie categories can be used.
- Add an unlimited number of cookie categories.
- Improve the ‘Cookie Settings’ page with descriptions for every cookie category.
- Show the ‘Cookie Settings’ page in various languages for multiple store views.
- Display or hide the list of cookies in categories for customers.
- Memorize customers’ cookie settings.

Make your store compatible in using cookies
The extension Cookie Mode Pro is helpful to adapt your e-store to the cookie requirements of General Data Protection Regulation. The extension shows popup as soon as a customer goes to your store website. The popup informs a visitor about the cookie usage and suggests to accept or refuse cookies on the user’s browser. Moreover, any customer has an alternative.
In case there is no desire to allow cookie usage, he/she can refuse them and to get additional info about every cookie category. As well, admin can create an unlimited number of cookie categories and add descriptions to them so that users have detailed information.
Main Features
ver. 1.1.0 (July 30, 2018)
1. Improvements:
- new design of the ‘Cookie Settings’ page.
2. New features:
- the extension tracks first- and third-party cookies and adds them to the admin panel.
ver. 1.2.0 (August 2, 2018)
1. New features:
- possibility to change the text of the ‘Cookie Settings’ page for multiple store views.
- compatibility with Magento 2.3.0 was added.
- SQL optimization was performed.